Waterworld Lake Tikitapu (Rotorua)
3rd - 12th January 2025
Minimum age 5 yrs. 5 - 9yrs must have a paying and participating adult (18yrs+)
with them and within arms reach at all times (1 adult to every 2 children in this age group).
all participants must be able to swim
Unique to this location:
This location offers general sessions for ages 5 and up, as well as restricted sessions for 5-9 year olds and their supervising adults, which run daily at 10am
All over 70yr olds are free, they must have a ticket for entry, please contact Let'sChat / Contact Us
Lake Tikitapu is not impacted by tides so the slides and blob remain open for all sessions​
see RotoruaNZ: Lake Tikitapu for location facilities and information
Help STOP the spread
Gold clams are a species of freshwater clam native to eastern Asia which have become an unwanted invasive species around the world discovered in the Waikato River in May 2023 and given the legal status of an Unwanted Organism under the Biosecurity Act.
Gold clam larvae are exceptionally small, at just 200 microns or 0.2 mm, and are basically invisible, this means they can spread easily on boats or other recreational gear including togs, wetsuits and clothing worn swimming e.g. shorts, t-shirts.
Check, Clean, Dry practices have been updated for gold clam and decontamination is particularly important to prevent the spread. Dipping drums (containing a solution of 10% bleach) will be available on site and it's strongly recommended that all swimmers use these drums to dip their togs after swimming.
Download the Check Clean Dry update for North Island swimmers fact sheet
Book Your Spot
3rd - 12th January 2025 | this is a general session for all ages from 5yrs+
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1 hr
25 New Zealand dollars3rd - 12th January 2025 **RESTRICTED SESSION** for 5-9yr olds and their supervising adults only.
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1 hr
From 25 New Zealand dollars